
Kenneth Barden

Independent Consultant/ Compliance Expert

Kenneth Barden is an attorney and a seasoned Compliance and Regulatory Specialist. He is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and is COSO-certified. He has over 37 years of professional experience, both within the US and internationally. His primary focus has been on compliance, financial integrity, and public financial management development. Ken has developed regulations and processes for several countries in the development of their AML/CFT regimes. Specifically, he helped set up the financial intelligence units within Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Palau and Palestine. 

He previously served as Senior Anticorruption and Governance Advisor with the US Agency for International Development and served as that agency’s representative on a number of inter-agency committees with Treasury, State and Commerce and represented the US at several UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Conference of State Parties.  He has written extensively on AML/CFT, compliance and financial integrity and frequently presents at workshops and online webinars. He is a graduate of Indiana University School of Law, and has completed several post-graduate study programs.

Recorded-webinar by: Kenneth Barden

    • 75 mins

      Building a Robust Compliance Risk Assessment Framework: Expert Strategies and Best Practices

      Corporate Governance

      Organizations must develop and facilitate effective compliance risk assessments to mitigate potential risks and comply with legal and regulatory requirements. A thorough compliance risk assessment involves identifying potential risks, evaluating their likelihood and impact, and implementing measures to manage and monitor those risks. This process requires collaboration between various departments and stakeholders, including compliance officers, legal teams, and senior management. Effective communication and training are also crucial to ensure that all employees understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining compliance. Organizations can proactively identify and address potential risks by developing and facilitating effective compliance risk assessments, maintain legal and regulatory compliance, and safeguard their reputation and financial stability.

      During this webinar, attendees will gain insight into different methods for evaluating risk within a company's business portfolio. They will also learn about effective techniques for conducting risk assessments to assess compliance risks, categorize them, and prioritize them accordingly. Additionally, attendees will discover how to implement mitigation strategies to minimize any negative consequences. 

    • 60 mins

      Issues to Consider When Dealing with Conflicting Regulations in the European Market vs. U.S. Market

      Corporate Governance

      The United States and the European Union constitute two of the world’s major regulatory systems affecting businesses and consumer trade.  As global supply chains and trade increase, interactions between the two regulatory systems will occur more frequently.  Although in many situations, regulatory measures seek common goals and standards, in others, the goals and standards carry be quite different.  The result is that some trade and commercial practices in one jurisdiction may put that same activity in jeopardy in the other.  

      This webinar will examine some of the more frequently encountered areas of potential conflict.  The webinar will cover a brief overview of the regulatory oversight systems of the US and the EU.  The webinar will look at the major agencies involved in establishing and administering respective regulations, including areas to be aware of for conflicting guidance.

      The webinar will also provide some guidance to businesses who regularly engage in both jurisdictions and how to best navigate and prepare to handle any conflicting regulations.

    • 60 mins

      Understanding the Inflation Reduction Act and its Benefits: What It Means for Businesses?

      Corporate Governance

      The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs for small businesses by preserving lower health-care costs, encouraging energy-saving investments, and strengthening supply chain resiliency. On August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law by President Biden. 

      • The law provides, over a 10-year period of time, for the following:
      • Prescription drug price reform  
      • Imposing a selective 15% corporate minimum tax rate for companies with higher than $1 billion of annual financial statement income  
      • Increased tax enforcement  
      • Imposing a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks  
      • 2-year extension of the limitation on excess business losses  
      • Addressing domestic energy security and climate change, including funding for drought resiliency in western states  
      • Deficit reduction  
      • Continuing for three more years the expansion of Affordable Care Act subsidies originally expanded under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021  
      • Increased funding for the IRS for modernization and increased tax enforcement